Hiroshi Motoda: Profile
Current Titles:
Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
Research interests:
- Social Network Analysis
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning in General
- Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Scientfic Discovery
- Knowledge Acquisition from Expert
- Fellow of Web Intelligence Academy, 10/2023
- Special achievemen award of the Pacific Asian Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 05/2020
- Best paper award of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 06/2019
Extracting Cooperative Structure among Online Items from Share-Event Sequence
- Distinguished contribution award of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 11/2018
- Best paper award runner up for the 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 08/2016
Detecting Critical Links in Complex Network to Maintain Information Flow/Reachability
- Best paper award for the special interest group of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 06/2016
Combining Activity-evaluation Information with NMF for Trust-link Prediction in Social Media
- Distinguished contribution award of the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 12/2014
- Best pape award for the 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, 10/2014
Efficient Analysis of Node Influence Based on SIR Model over Huge Complex Networks
- Fellow of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, 6/2009
- WIC outstanding contribution award, 12/2008
- Okawa publishing award, 11/2007
Fundamentals of Data Mining, Ohmsha, Ltd., 12/2006
- Distinguished contribution award of the Pacific Asian Conference on Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 04/2006
- Best paper award for the special interest group of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence,@06/2005
Development of Classifier by Using QAR Analysis
- Best paper award for the special interest group of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence,@06/2003
A Data Mining System: MUSASHI
- Best paper award for the annual meeting of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence, 06/2003
Improvement of Search Capability of Decision Tree -- Graph-Based
- Best paper award of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence, 05/2001
Scientific Law Discovery based on Sacale Type Constraint
- Outstanding achievement award of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence, 06/2000
- Best paper award for the annual meeting of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence, 12/1999
Scientific Law Discovery from Observed Data and its Application to
- Best paper award for the annual meeting of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence, 12/1998
The extended SDS: A Model of Scientific Discovery for Simultaneous
Equation Systems
- Best paper award of the special interest geoup of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence,@12/1997
A method of discovering the first principlce based on scale-based
reasoning and its implementation
- Best paper award for the annual meeting of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence, 06/1997
A data-driven method to discover the first principle of complex systems
- Best paper award of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence, 07/1993
Concept Learning from Inference Pattern
- Best paper award for the annual meeting of Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence, 06/1991
Concept Learning from Inference Pattern
- Best paper award of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence, 07/1990
Frustration-Based Learning in Auxiliary-Line Problems in Elementary
- Best paper award of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 03/1984
Method for plant operation guidance by knowledge engineering technique
- Best paper award of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 03/1977
Optimization of refueling schedule for light water reactors
- Encouragement award for young scientists of Atomic Energy
Society of Japan, 03/1970
Burnup optimization of nuclear power reactor
Membership of Academic Society:
- Japanese Society of Artificial intelligence since 1987
- Japan Society of Software Science and Technology from 1986 to 2008
- Cognitive Science Society of Japan from 1986 to 2008
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence since 1985
(AAAI) to 2010
- Information Processing Society of Japan since 1982 to 2008
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Computer Society)
from 1990 to 2007
- American Nuclear Society from 1972 to 1990
- Atomic Energy Society of Japan from 1965 to 1991
Academic Activities:
- Advisory board
- Technical Committee member of Web Intelligence Consortium
(04/2003 - Present)
- Scientific advisory board of Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning
(04/2003 - 05/2008)
- Academic advisory board of Japan Institute of Science and Technology (04/2003
- 03/2006)
- Academic advisory board of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (04/2004
- 03/2006)
- Board of Trustee
- Board of Auditor of Japanese Cognitive Science Society
(01/2005 - 12/2006)
- Board of trustee of Japanese Cognitive Science Society
(06/1995 - 05/1999)
- Board of trustee of Japanese Society of Artificial
Intelligence (06/1990
- 05/1992)
- Board of trustee of Japan Society of Software Science and
Technology (05/1987
- 04/1989)
- Editorial Board
- Editorial board of International Journal of Data
Science and Analytics (Springer) (04/2015 - 07/2022)
- Advisory board of ACM Transactions on
Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) (10/2009 - 03/2012)
- Editorial board of the AI Handbook (Japanese Society of
Artificial Intelligence) (08/2002 - 12/2005)
- Advisory board of the Handbook of Data Mining (Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates) (04/2001 - 05/2003)
- Editorial board of Intelligent Data Analysis: An
Internartional Journal (IOS Press) (04/2001 - 03/2014)
- Editorial board of Knowledge and Information Systems: An
International Journal (Springer Verlag) (01/1998 - 12/2005)
- Editorial board of the Handbook of Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (Oxford University Press) (03/1997 - 12/2002)
- Editorial board of International Journal of Human Computer
Studies (Academic
Press) (11/1994 - 03/2006)
- Editorial board of Japanese Cognitive Science Society
(06/1993 - 04/1997)
- Editorial board of Advanced Engineering Informatics
(Elsevier) (08/1991 - 05/2005)
- Editorial board of Computer Science (Shujunsha) (01/1991 -
- Editorial board of IEEE Expert (02/1990 - 02/1994)
- Editorial board of the Journal of Knowledge Acquisition
(Academic Press)
(04/1989 - 11/1994)
- Editorial board of Japanese Society of Artificial
Intelligence (04/1987
- 03/1991)
- Steering Committee
- Discovery Science Conference, Honorary member (11/2018 - Present)
- International Conference on Informatics for
Human Brain, Behavior and Health (08/2014-04/2018)
- International Conference on Data
Science and Advanced Analytics (12/2013 - Present)
- Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Chair (10/2009 - 10/2012})
- Discovery Science Conference (11/2006 - 11/2018)
- Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Life
member (05/2006 - Present)
- Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Honorary member (09/2004 - Present)
- Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Chair
(05/2003 - 04/2006)
- Discovery Science Conference, Chair (11/2002 - 10/2006)
- Algorithmic Learning Theory Conference (11/2002 - 10/2006)
- Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Co-chiar
(05/2001 - 04/2003)
- Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data
Mining (04/1998 - 04/2001)
- Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (08/1996 - 08/2004)
- Program Chairs and Organizers
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2023 Principle and Practice of Data and
Knowqledge Acquisition Workshop: PKAW2023 (2023)
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2022 Principle and Practice of Data and
Knowqledge Acquisition Workshop: PKAW2022 (2022)
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2020 Principle and Practice of Data and
Knowqledge Acquisition Workshop: PKAW2020 (2021)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the Twelveth Asian Conference on
Machine Learning: ACML2020 (2020)
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2019 Pacific Rim Knowqledge Acquisition
Workshop: PKAW2019 (2019)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery Data Mining: PAKDD19 (2019)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the Tenth Asian Conference on
Machine Learning: ACML2018 (2018)
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2018 Pacific Rim Knowqledge Acquisition
Workshop: PKAW2018 (2018)
- General Co-Chair of the 2017 IEEE International Confernece on Data
Science and Advanced Analytics: DSAA2017 (2017)
- General Co-Chair of the Third Asian Conference on Defense
Technology: ACDT2017 (2017)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the Eleventh International Conference on Knowledge,
Information and Creativity Support Systems: KICSS16 (2016)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the 14th Pacific Rim International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence: PRICAI2016 (2016)
- Honorary Co-Chair of the 2016 Pacific Rim Knowqledge Acquisition
Workshop: PKAW2016 (2016)
- General Co-Chair of the Second Asian Conference on Defense
Technology: ACDT2016 (2016)
- Honorary Conference Co-Chair of the Tenth International Conference on Knowledge,
Information and Creativity Support Systems: KICSS15 (2015))
- Conference Co-chair of the First Asian Conference on Defence
Technology: ACDT15 (2015)
- Conference Co-chair of the Nineteenth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery Data Mining: PAKDD15 (2015)
- Program Co-chair of the 2nd International Conference on Rough Sets
and Intelligent Systems Paradigms: RSEISP (2014)
- Conference Co-Chair of the 2014 International Conference on Data
Science and Advanced Analytics: DSAA (2014)
- Honorary Conference chair of the Eighteenth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD14 (2014)
- Conference Chair of the Ninth International Conference on
Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2013)
- Co-organizer of the Fourth International Workshop on Behavior and Social
Informatics and Computing: BSIC2013
- Co-organizer of the Fourth International Workshop on Behavior and Social
Informatics: BI2013
- Conference Chair of the 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD2013 (2013)
- Co-organizer of the Third International Workshop on Behavior
Informatics: BI2012 (2012)
- Honary Co-Chair of The 12th International Workshop on Knowledge
Management and Acquisition for Intelligent Systems: PKAW2012 (2012)
- Co-organizer of the Second International Workshop on Behavior
Informatics: BI2011 (2011)
- Conference Chair of the Fifth International Conference on
Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: KICSS 2010 (2010)
- Best Paper Award Chair of the European Conference on Machine
Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ECML/PKDD2010 (2010)
- Honary Co-Chair of The 11th International Workshop on
Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Services: PKAW2010 (2010)
- Co-organizer of the First International Workshop on Behavior
Informatics: BI2010 (2010)
- Co-organizer of the Fourth International Workshop on Feature
Selection and Data Mining: FSDM2010 (2010)
- Conference chair of the First Asisan Conference on Machine Learning (ACML09)
- Honorary Conference chair of the Thirteenth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining: PAKDD09 (2009)
- Conference chair of the Tenth Pacific Rim International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence PRICAI2008 (2008)
- Honorary Conference chair of the Eleventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discovery & Data Mining: PAKDD07 (2007)
- Conference chair of the Eighth International Conference on
Discovery Science: DS2005 (2005)
- .Conference Chair of the Ninth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining: PAKDD05 (2005)
- Co-organizer of the International Workshop on Active Mining:
AM-2004 (2004)
- Honoyrary Chair of the Fifth Pacific Rim Knowledge
Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: PKAW04 (2004)
- Co-organizer of the International Workshop on Active Mining:
AM-2003 (2003)
- Organizer of the International Workshop on Active Mining:
AM-2002 (2002)
- Co-organizer of the Fourth Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition
for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: PKAW02 (2002)
- Co-organizer of the First International Workshop on Data
Mining Lessons Learned: DMLL-2002, Workshop at ICML2002 (2002)
- Organizer of the panel ``Innovative Projects for Intelligent
Systems in the New Century'' for 13th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems: ISMIS02 (2002)
- Co-organizer of the Third Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition
for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: PKAW00 (2000)
- Co-Organizer of the Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining: PAKDD2000 (2000)
- Program chair of the First International Workshop on
Discovery Science: DS98 (1998)
- Co-organizer of the Second Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition
for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: PKAW98 (1998)
- Co-program chair of the Fifth Pacific Rim International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence: PRICAI98 (1998)
- Co-program chair of the First Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining: PAKDD97 (1997)
- Co-organizer of the First Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition
for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: PKAW96 (1996)
- Co-organizer of the Third Japanese Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: JKAW94 (1994)
- Co-organizer of International Workshop on Machine
Intelligence 1995: MI95 (1993)
- Co-organizer of International Workshop on Machine
Intelligence 1993: MI93 (1993)
- Co-organizer of the Second Japanese Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: JKAW92 (1992)
- Co-organizer of the First Japanese Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop: JKAW90 (1990)
- Vice Chairman of the 5th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society
for Artificial Intelligence (1990)
- Personal History
- Scientific Advisor, Asian Office of Aerospace Research
and Development (May, 2006 to April, 2018)
- Professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial
Osaka Universtiy (January, 1996 to March, 2006))
- Senior Chief Research Scientist, Advanced Research
Hitachi, Ltd. (August, 1994 to December, 1995)
- Chief Research Scientist, Advanced Research Laboratory,
Ltd. (April, 1987 to July, 1994)
- Senior Research Scientist, Advanced Research Laboratory,
Ltd. (April, 1985 to March, 1987)
- Senior Research Scientist, Energy Research Laboratory,
Ltd. (April, 1978 to March, 1985)
- Senior Research Scientist, Atomic Energy Research Laboratory,
Ltd. (August, 1976 to March, 1978)
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue
University, (September, 1972 to August, 1973)
- Research Scientist, Atomic Energy Research Laboratory,
Hitachi, Ltd.
(April, 1971 to July, 1976)
- Research Scientist, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi,
(April, 1967 to March, 1971)
- Graduate School, Department of Nuclear Engineering,
University of Tokyo
(April, 1965 to March, 1967)
- Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tokyo
(April, 1963 to March, 1965)
- College of General Education, University of Tokyo
(April, 1961 to March, 1963)
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